Thursday, June 24, 2010

Boring Brussels

Sorry the picture above is blurry, its a picture of a picture from my camera because I left my phone in the hostel when we went walking around Brussels. So Brussels is the capital of the European union which is pretty sweet and we learned both from a flier and from walking up and down the streets today that 50 percent of their population have foreign roots. Most of these people are muslim and I think I had a permanent look of fear burned into my face when walking to the Capital building from our hostel today. The men on the streets are all large and intimidating and all the women are wearing their head coverings and long dresses. And here we were a group of forty American girls all wearing shorts and tank tops speaking english, very awkward.
One of the biggest tourist attractions here other than the stock market building is the statue of the little boy peeing. So after Spiros dropped us off by Capital building we pulled out our maps and started searching for it. Every souvenir shop we passed had little figurines of it, the chocolate shops had molds of him and even the french fry stand (which is where we had dinner) had a picture of a french fry peeing on its window mocking the famous fountain. Needless to say we were pretty excited about this fountain, we were planning on taking silly pictures by it, throwing coins in it... all that fun stuff.

Well, we followed the ten signs there and turn the corner, and... he is about the size of my face. At first we couldnt even see it because a million people were standing around taking pictures. But once we squeezed in, we saw it was just in a random corner of a waffle shop building (which I also ate at for dinner, yes the same night right after my fries) and is all fenced in. The boy is literally about a foot tall and peeing into the worlds smallest fountain. Very anticlimatic and disappointing. I guess one night in Brussels really is all you need, actually not even, two hours and that includes the walk to the fountain, dinner art a fry shop, stop at the fountain, waffle for dessert, and the walk back.

Paris tomorrow!

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