Sunday, May 30, 2010

SD airport on the way to Greece!

So we get to the airport at 6am check our bags no problem get our tickets and wait to board. The wait to board didn't seem too long, the flight however is another story. Right now I am only on the first flight which lands and Newark and is "only 5 hours" they told me. Well these are the longest 5 hours as we sit on the bumpy airplane with a baby who keeps kicking the seat behind me. Although we have to pay for the direct tv on the screens in front of our seats, we do have to pay for it, $6. I figured it was worth it since we did get a free meal on this plane which made me smile a little. A microwave able "Breakfast pita" with fruit and a mini muffin was given to us and I ate it thinking the real thing once I get to Greece will be so much better. So far I have watched When In Rome, Driving Miss Daisy and You Got Served along with a few random shows in between. If this flight is taking forever and its only five hours then I cant imagine the next 11 hour flight. BUT in the next 13 hours I'll be in Greece snacking on genuine feta and olives :D

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