So yes this ring *whether its actually the ring or not I refuse to find out by taking it off/* has brought me some pretty awesome things ex: A new apartment in La Mesa *they only had one two bed room available for the next six months* in the most awesome location, a second job at Henry’s grocery store which no one can even understand how bad I need that extra money, some classes that I was petitioning at school got approved which I have heard never happens, an internship I applied for sent me a letter saying I qualify for the position (now I just have to wait another three months to hear if I actually get it), I got a call today from another Engineering firm called Tylin asking me to come in for an interview and several several other great things. I cannot complain.
2. I ate shit on the treadmill at the gym. And I mean hard shit where everyone in the cardio area stopped to check on me and the machine (which they say I broke but in my opinion it was already broke).
3. Here is a fun one, my brother, Sari and I thought it would be fun to take a walk down the street to get some gelatto.. Sounds yummy right? Well let me tell you its not cheap either. So at this place I buy one good size scoop of probably the best rocky road gelatto but the price didn’t quite meet the minimum requirement for credit cards so I also buy two candy sticks. Yeay lets eat! Well we get about a block and a half away and guess whose sweet treat falls splat on the ground for all the ants?!? Yuppp, whatever its cool I still have my candy sticks Ill eat them when I get back to the house. We hop in the car and SNAP! Broke the candy sticks which of course I put in my back pocket!

Well guess what, thats a bad idea. As much as I love wearing lip gloss I hate it at the same time because if even the smallest bit gets in your mouth you get this gross film all over your teeth and tongue that tastes awful.. some king of wax they put in there. Well I left this tube of yummyness in my car on a hot Tuesday afternoon in Santee which is always a bad idea but I had faith that it wouldn't leak all over my car like others have in the past. I hop in my car to head back to school for a five thirty class and decide to freshen up my lips a little. So as I'm driving on the freeway of course I open the gloss... now I don't know at what angle most people (I say people because what some guys do in their own time is their business) apply their lip gloss at, but I like to hold the tube at a mmmm maybe 15 degree angle so pretty much as you see it in the picture, I feel you get more gloss that way. Well BAD IDEA. The gloss was still super hot from sitting in the sun all afternoon and turned to an extremely fluid liquid. Pretty much the entire tube of gloss poured right out of the bottle into my mouth! Ugh it makes me sick just thinking about it again. As you can imagine it tastes awful.. no matter how good it smells, lip glosses in that much excess IN YOUR MOUTH never tastes pleasing. I start gagging as I'm driving and panicking because I didnt know where to spit it. SO GROSS I know but I had one of those white gym towels from the day before (of course it was used so sweaty and gross) but it was my only option. I spit as much as I could out and my only option was to use the towel to literally scrub the inside of my mouth to try and get all the waxy film out. But as I'm doing this I'm gagging even more thinking of all the diseases on that towel because not only did I use that towel to wipe my sweat but I use it to wipe down the machines before and after I use a machine, and I sit on that towel when I'm using a weight machine. Ew I'm disgusting, I'm actually going to go drink an Emergen-C right now